< Krehbiel Illinois Appellate Court Wall Mural>

Law and Equity
Wall mural in the Fourth District Appellate Court of the Illinois Supreme Court Building,
Springfield, Illinois, 1907-1911, 10 ft. x 16 ft, oil on canvas.

“Allegorical figures Law and Justice are enthroned on a stone dais. Justice holds her scales high while pointing to the printed statutes held by Law.  Inscribed over the central figures of the mural is a quote from Thomas Jefferson that reads:
“Equal and exact justice to all men of whatever state or persuasion, religious or political.” 1

1  Allegories of Justice, The Albert H. Krehbiel Murals in the Supreme Court Building of Illinois, cover article by Lizabeth (Betsy) Wilson; Journal of the Illinois Historical Society, ISSN 0019-2287, Spring 1984; pp. 2 -13.

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